Current Education Requirements for Neurophysiology Health Workers in Australia as of February 2024
Currently there is no compulsory education requirements for Neurophysiology Health Professionals in Australia.
Workplaces vary with their requirements for employment. Most Neurophysiology Health Professionals in the public health sector are now required to have a Bachelor of Science with a human anatomy and physiology component. Practical training is generally provided by the workplace (if you are employed as a Trainee/New Graduate/similar). A workplace may expect you to complete formal post graduate studies in clinical neurophysiology at one of the universities offering this. A number of universities offer neurophysiology content in their Master of Science of Biomedical Science Courses.
Central Queensland University offers a Bachelor of Medical Science (Clinical Measurement) which incorporates Clinical Neurophysiology into their Undergraduate degree.
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne offers a Bachelor of Health Science with majors in Clinical Technologies and Neuroscience.
ANSA Inc. now offers the Competency Skills Assessment Tools: Perform EEG (Basic) and is available to members and non members from October 2019. This will provided the candidate with appropriate practical competence recognition as is required for Accredited Membership of ANSA Inc. See Guideline for Competency Skills Assessment Tools: Perform EEG (basic) on the ANSA Inc. Website under Careers and Education.
Current Neurophysiology Educational Opportunities within Australia as at February 2024
Please note: The lists below are of courses that ANSA has had the opportunity to review. There are numerous other undergraduate and post graduate courses that may also be suitable.
University Undergraduate Studies
Central Queensland University – Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Clinical Measurement)
Theoretical undergraduate course that provides Clinical Neurophysiology theory and opportunity for student placement in Clinical Neurophysiology.
Swinburne University – Bachelor of Health Science
Clinical Technologies
University Post Graduate Studies
University of Sydney – Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma/Master of Science in Clinical Neurophysiology
Theoretical post graduate course that provides more advanced Clinical Neurophysiology.
Practical Competence Studies/Assessment
ANSA Inc Competency Skills Assessment Tools: Perform EEG (Basic).
This is a competency assessment only. Self-learning in the workplace is required.
Form 21 and 21a ANSA inc Recognition of Practical Competency July 2022.8